Every year, more than 500,000 people are diagnosed with cancer, and the number is rising. Often, the disease is not diagnosed until symptoms are already present and it has already reached an advanced stage. However, the best remedy against cancer is to detect it early: Because earlier helps better.
So far, early detection is available for only about 45 percent of all cancers diagnosed each year. With the innovative PanTum Detect® blood test, almost 100 percent of all types of cancer and precancerous lesions can be detected with just one test.
In a study of the University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf with approx. 5,000 healthy subjects, an imaging procedure was performed in 151 people as a result of a conspicuous PanTum Detect® result. In 124, imaging confirmed suspicions of a potentially dangerous tumor.
An effective way to fight cancer is to detect it early. The Krebs-Scan program uses the PanTum Detect blood test and imaging techniques to detect cancer and its precursors at an early stage. Current imaging techniques such as PET/CT and MRI already make it possible to detect tumors as small as a few millimeters, but they are only used when there is sufficient suspicion and not for early detection. Pre-tests that enable early cancer detection offer hope.
HanseMerkur's Krebs-Scan supplementary insurance covers the annual cost of the cancer test. If there is an abnormal result, the costs for the imaging procedure (PET/CT or MRI) for further clarification and localization are covered. If the diagnosis confirms the original suspicion, the appropriate treatments and therapies begin. After completion of the oncological follow-up, the annual blood test should be performed again.
The basis of the cancer scan is an annual blood test (PanTum Detect). If this yields an abnormal result, imaging procedures (PET/CT and MRI) are used to determine whether the suspicion is confirmed. These procedures are currently the best diagnostics in the localization of tumors.
If the imaging procedures confirm the initial suspicion, a specialist will arrange for further steps, such as further examinations to determine the tumor more precisely (classification and typing), as well as treatment and therapy.
After completion of oncological follow-up, annual blood tests should be started again.
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